Live captioning with Verbit

3,000+ streaming and TV networks, businesses, colleges and universities, government agencies, stadiums, theaters, event centers and content creators trust Verbit for their live captioning needs. Leverage our combination of advanced AI technology, captioning experts and dedicated support with 24/7 customer care. Make your content and experiences more engaging and accessible to audiences with the multiple options Verbit’s live captioning provides.

A light haired man wearing a white shirt places his hands behind his neck and sits back while looking at his laptop.

Our products

Discover how our products are designed to support accessibility guidelines and your unique industry’s live captioning requirements.

Media Live
Academic Live
Caption Live – Government
Caption Live – Corporate
Venue Live
Media Live

Media Live

You’ve seen our live captions on the local and national nightly news, TV shows, award shows and regional, national and global sporting events like the Olympics, the World Cup and the Super Bowl. Media Live offers captioning and transcription that combines the latest AI technologies with the most experienced workforce of media captioners and captioner-support teams in the business.

Learn more
Academic Live
Caption Live – Government
Caption Live – Corporate
Venue Live

The benefits of
live captioning

  • Make live experiences more accessible
  • Comply with ADA, FCC and Ofcom
  • Improve viewer experience, engagement and comprehension
  • Increase SEO rankings and video discoverability with searchability

Captivate your audience

Live captions can be delivered by Verbit’s advanced, AI-powered Captivate™ technology. Built in-house by captioning, speech and machine learning experts, Captivate™ offers a seamless way to live caption your content.  Captivate™ offers a cost-efficient way to live caption without sacrificing accuracy. It’s trained using diverse language models, enabling it to understand languages, accents and speech patterns better than generic ASR engines. Our teams monitor, teach and control outputs and customize it to your specific needs and past content. It offers guaranteed uptimes and integrations with multiple platforms.

The word 'Captivate' in blue text, with a stylized 'V'

Partner with an expert in live captioning

Industry leadership icon for grid

Industry leadership

More than 35 years of experience in the captioning and accessibility industry.


Ease of service

Flexible scheduling, quick turnarounds and caption file delivery on multiple platforms.


A fit for all budgets

Multiple pricing options and plans to choose from.

Blue and white icon depicts the

Live captioning expertise

Leading AI technology and highly skilled professional captioners create accurate, reliable, high-quality captions for all live content.


Term boosting

Our Dynamic Domain Dictionary™ searches domain-specific terms and trending topics to create an always up-to-date base library to deliver the most customer-relevant and accurate results.

Use cases

Live Captioning icon for grid

Broadcast television

A blue and white squared icon that contains the outline of a person and the word 'LIVE' in the upper left corner.

Live news programs


Streaming shows


Classrooms lectures


In-person and virtual meetings


Corporate conferences


Live sports


Government sessions

A woman with dark, curly hair wearing a peach-colored shirt sits at a desk and scrolls on an open laptop.

Let’s connect

Contact our team and find out how our live captioning solutions can help enhance your content.

Reach out