About Verbit

Verbit has emerged as the leader in the $30B transcription industry. We’re helping to push access and inclusion efforts forward at 3,000+ businesses and institutions.

With a suite of voice AI solutions, simple integrations and the largest professional captioner workforce in the world, we’re making delivering access easier than ever before.

Our partners around the globe are now making their content and experiences more engaging and equitable to everyone. Plus, they’re not only meeting accessibility guidelines, but making their information searchable and actionable. Whether you need to find it, teach it or share it, we hope you Verbit.


Our story

As a lawyer, Tom Livne saw how much time and money was being spent on transcription. He also saw how many more industries could benefit from access to accurate transcripts. An entrepreneur at heart, he created a transcription solution that utilized both AI-based automatic speech recognition and professional transcribers to quickly caption and transcribe audio and video content.

Now, Verbit and its technology has evolved. As a comprehensive verbal intelligence platform for speech-intensive industries, we know the value of words and their importance in everyday life. We understand that it’s crucial that those words, whether they be in the classroom, boardroom or living room, are accessible to everyone.

Because our customers work in industries built on person-to-person conversations, Verbit works hard to make your words count and make certain your words reach your entire audience. Our advanced technology and professional transcribers quickly transcribe and caption audio and video content, enabling customers across the legal, education, media, government and corporate sectors to embrace inclusion, enhance their content and work more efficiently.

Our AI-powered solutions help customers unlock the value of speech – making their words work by capturing and documenting them with our speech recognition technology, extracting additional insights, and quickly returning their value to enhance the messages that matter to you.


Our investors

Verbit has raised $360M to date after closing its Series E funding round

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Hear from our investors

Jai Das Managing Director and President, Sapphire Ventures, Sapphire

Verbit combines the speed and low cost of Automatic Speech Recognition technology with the accuracy of human transcription to solve this massive problem for companies and organizations in these markets. We’re excited to partner with CEO Tom Livne and his team as they expand to additional segments and deliver a leading platform for transcription based applications.

Daniel Shinar CEO, ClalTech, ClalTech

What grabbed our attention was a combination of an impressive track record – for what was then a young company – and an audacious aspiration to disrupt and take over a huge, dormant market. That, coupled with CEO Tom Livne’s energy and drive made us super excited.

Jasper Masemann Partner, HV Ventures, HV

HV led Verbit’s 2018 seed round because the product fit perfectly into our thesis of disrupting fragmented non-digital and service-heavy industries with AI-automation. Since then, the team has shown best-in-class execution skills and there is an unstoppable market pull for Verbit’s offering

Yaniv ‘Jacob’ Jacobi Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Oryzn Capital, Oryzn

We knew of Verbit’s great potential even at its earliest stages. The incredible talent and the ability to disrupt a huge, yet fragmented market with technology that provides superior solutions at scale made Verbit a clear opportunity for investment.

Bryan Gertzog Vice President, Stripes, Stripes

Verbit is leveraging the power of artificial intelligence to fundamentally improve a specific application and help critical work get done better, faster and cheaper. We are thrilled to partner with Tom and the rest of the Verbit team and lend a hand on their journey to solve transcription globally across all professional industries.

Yanai Oron General Partner, Vertex Ventures, Vertex

Verbit’s strength lies in its ability to execute on a set of very different and complicated tasks which are all needed for a company to deliver transcription and complementary services in a scalable way. This is what allows it to grow so fast while keeping its customers and employees happy.

Omry Ben David General Partner, Viola Ventures

At Viola we strongly believe the market is going vertical. Customers no longer settle for generic technology platforms that require significant customization to fit their needs. Vertical by vertical, Verbit is turning transcription from a cumbersome, manual process into a scalable, seamless and affordable end-to-end service. Its technology, operations and growth have been exponential. The limit is nowhere to be seen.

Jonathan Mechado Managing Director, Samsung Next

Verbit has made it easy for companies across different verticals to leverage AI to transcribe voice and video. Take a unique product and pair it with a smart, ruthlessly-executed go-to-market strategy, you have the formula for a giant company in the making.

Our mission

Words fuel meaningful connections and actions. That’s why our voice AI applications are built to adapt to each business and put your words to work.

Our expert teams are dedicated to serving each industry with specialized solutions. We can provide you with more impactful engagement strategies and unlock your ability to provide fully inclusive experiences at scale.


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