Hear Live from Accessibility Experts at City, University of London & Your Peers 

By: Sarah Roberts



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 On February 1 at 2:30 GMT, Verbit is excited to host two professionals from the City, University of London, who are performing critical accessibility-related work to better serve their students. Sign up here to join us for this live webinar, where you’ll receive inspiration to bolster your inclusion strategies in 2023. After hearing practical knowledge to act upon or learn from to benefit your institution, you’ll also be able to take part in an engaging demo of accessibility solutions to see how they work.  

This complimentary event is designed to inspire UK-based higher education professionals and even their peers abroad. Take this chance to learn how to overcome today’s common challenges, like creating accessible campuses and online experiences. Our experts will share best practices and how they’re using specific tools like captioning, transcription and audio description in different educational settings.  

Who you’ll hear from

Two professionals from City, University of London will join accessibility experts from Verbit for an engaging panel discussion on helping to make UK campuses more inclusive. 

Verbit webinar promotion with title: Bringing Accessibility and Inclusion to Life at UK Institution Get expert insights from City, University of London and others February 1st at 2:30 pm GTM

Bio photos of Maria Kaffa, Emma Gilbert, Scott Ready and Michael Gabay

Maria Kaffa, Assistant Educational Technologist, City, University of London 

As a support officer, Maria Kaffa works on the university’s Digital Accessibility project. Kaffa’s focus includes ensuring and improving accessibility of the university’s digital content and helping the staff become more skilled in accessibility-related practices. They will also share how they’re working with Verbit as a part of their accessibility strategy. 

“I am very excited to share our experience developing our caption correction service at City with the use of Verbit. This is a key area for digital accessibility, especially given the current UK legislation for public sector bodies such as higher education institutions,” Kaffa said. 

Kaffa is also excited to share what the university has learned throughout the process.  
“Our experience is just one of hundreds as other universities in the UK work to improve the accessibility of their multimedia, and I hope it will shed some light on how crucial a continuously improving and scalable captioning service is to the student experience,” they said.  

Emma Guilbert, Assistant Educational Technologist, City, University of London  

Emma Guilbert works on the Learning Enhancement and Development (LEaD) team at City, University of London. As a member of that organization, Guilbert encourages academics to use multimedia formats in their teaching. Guilbert also supports Kaffa’s work with the Digital Accessibility project. Together their efforts are making teaching and learning experiences more accessible for instructors and students.  

Scott Ready, Global Head of Accessibility & Inclusion, Verbit  

Scott Ready has been working in accessibility for more than three decades. At Verbit, Ready focuses on improving environments and learning experiences for people with disabilities. Ready attributes his professional beginnings to his experiences growing up with parents who are Deaf and taught at the Missouri School for the Deaf. As Verbit’s Global Head of Accessibility & Inclusion, Ready is a leading voice on accessibility practices, technology and trends.  

Michael Gabay, Director of Sales, EMEA, Verbit 

Michael Gabay has been working to provide custom accessibility solutions for educational and other institutions in the US and UK for the past four years. He’s looking forward to sharing his passion for inclusive education and user-friendly accessibility solutions at the event. 

“We are excited to help more universities in their journey to being more accessible. We offer great service and tools to make it easier to provide transcription and captioning.” 

Gabay works with organizations to remove obstacles and promote growth through technology and innovation and will lead a demonstration of Verbit’s technology.  

Verbit webinar promotion with title: Bringing Accessibility and Inclusion to Life at UK Institution Get expert insights from City, University of London and others February 1st at 2:30 pm GTM

See accessibility solutions in action with a live demo 

The webinar will include actionable information from professionals working to build accessibility into their university environments. Additionally, it will offer a live demonstration of how effective technology works in the process.  
Gabay will lead a demonstration where attendees will see how Verbit’s easy-to-use platform can empower them on their accessibility journeys. Specifically, he’ll demonstrate how to create post-production captions and transcripts. Also, the demonstration will showcase some key Verbit integrations with popular platforms for UK higher-ed institutions. 

Attendees will also have the opportunity to ask individual questions to our panel of experts. Verbit is excited to offer attendees this chance to network with like-minded professionals at UK institutions and others interested in creating better, more inclusive experiences in the classroom and throughout their campuses.  

RSVP today to join your peers and reserve your spot at Bringing Accessibility & Inclusion to Life at UK Institutions. Don’t miss this chance to explore ways to make 2023 your university and students’ most inclusive year yet.