
The Four Pillars of DEIA for Cultural Institutions

Table of сontents



The Four Pillars of DEIA

Creating museums & libraries that welcome everyone





Diversity means including representation from a range of backgrounds. Although most associate it with race and ethnicity, diversity extends to gender, socio-economic status, experience, culture, age, sexual orientation, lifestyle and access.
Equity requires that everyone, regardless of their background, has fair access to information, opportunities and resources. Equity might mean offering additional support for traditionally marginalized people.
Inclusion means actively inviting perspectives and insights from a diverse range of people. While diversity describes a varied group of people, inclusion means welcoming and valuing them as individuals.
Accessibility requires accommodations for different individuals’ needs. True access extends beyond accommodations meaning all people should have equal access to opportunities, education and the support they need to achieve their goals.

Diversity in action


The Brooklyn Museum boosted diversity by hosting monthly events like concerts and workshops1 to bring in locals. Visitors who identified as people of color jumped to 40%, compared to a national average at the time of 9%.

Equity in action


The Queens Museum created equitable experiences for non-native English speakers by hosting free foreign language art, computer and English language courses. Spanish, Mandarin and Korean are just a few of the museum’s options.2

Inclusion in action


The Nelson-Atkins Museum celebrates differences with American Sign Language (ASL) only virtual tours.3 These free events encourage people
who are Deaf and hard of hearing to converse, share their thoughts and learn together.

Accessibility in action


The United States Olympic and Paralympic Museum offers open captioning, and if patrons select audio description preferences, the museum’s tactile floor strips will automatically trigger descriptions upon entering each exhibit.4


Verbit serves as an essential partner in helping leading cultural institutions make their environments more inviting to everyone. Contact us to find out more about our solutions for accessible, inclusive experiences and how you can employ them at your institution.

