Case Study

Sierra College

Sierra College partnered with Verbit to quickly caption and transcribe content for online courses to provide accessible, equitable experiences.

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In a Nutshell

With an increase in online enrollment, Sierra College needs to caption content for students in its distance learning programs quickly. Its policy requires captioning for videos before courses are approved to be taught online. To provide accessible learning, Sierra College partners with Verbit for all its captioning and transcription needs to ensure student access without delay.

The Challenge

Sierra College’s distance learning department was managing captioning requests for more than 300 online courses in Fall 2020 alone. The college attempted to caption content in-house but was struggling to meet captioning needs at scale.

The Solution

Verbit meets Sierra College’s timely distance learning requests for captioning and offers the flexibility to caption last-minute requests for incoming courses. With hundreds of videos to caption, Sierra College leaders use Verbit to provide fast and accurate captioning that grants students equitable learning experiences.

Verbit offers Sierra College:

  • Accurate transcription for niche course topics Fast & efficient turnaround on captions
  • Multi-language captioning
  • Dedicated ongoing support & expertise

The Results

Distance learning students are benefitting from Verbit’s highly accurate captioning, which delivers on both beginner-level and advanced course content. With Verbit’s solutions, Sierra College’s remote learners are able to access and participate in their courses with greater ease.

  • Benefiting from multi-language captioning

“From Spanish to German, the team is able to offer Verbit’s captioning in multiple languages to support

student translation needs.”

  • Using Verbit’s transcribers with medical course expertise

“I really love the specializations that you can request. We have a lot of nursing and anatomy videos, so having that medical specialization has been super useful.”

  • Creating inclusive remote classrooms

“We don’t want them to be scrambling or have to play catch-up with the material. We want them to show up, feel welcome and be a part of the classroom community by accessing accessible course content.”

About Sierra College

Sierra College is one of the 116 public community colleges in the California Community College (CCC) system. It serves over 18,000 students and offers 126 degrees and certificate programs to students across various California campuses.