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‘Live Room by Verbit’ Interactive Application Unveiled for Zoom Desktop Users

Verbit has released a new desktop application, Live Room by Verbit, which provides live, interactive transcripts and captions within Zoom web conferencing. The application supports companies and universities, helping them to ensure their online meetings, courses and events are delivered effectively to both comply with legal requirements and meet the needs of all remote participants.

“Following the massive growth in usage of Zoom for online courses, meetings and virtual events, I am excited to announce the launch of ‘Live Room by Verbit,’ said Tom Livne. “This new tool will help schools, enterprises and others provide equitable opportunities to all individuals participating in remote, online settings.”

Social distancing requirements have driven many individuals to adopt video tools as a core piece of their communication methods in both academic and business settings. Zoom’s daily active user number jumped from 10 million to more than 200 million in three months. Verbit has recognized the importance of powering more accessible, engaging video conferencing with the addition of live captioning and interactive transcriptions.

Prior to ‘Live Room by Verbit’ closed captions appeared on screen too quickly and the transcripts provided were not ideal for use. Free tools did not provide the top accuracy necessary to meet ADA guidelines in real-time. Now, Live Room by Verbit’s captions and transcripts help to increase engagement and information retention for those consuming online meetings by 80%.

Live Room by Verbit provides users with quick live captions and accurate Zoom transcription side by side. Interactive transcripts allow for highlighting and note taking, options to download the transcript, abilities to delay or speed up the transcript and direct sharing of notes with peers and clients. The application also offers guaranteed security with SOC 2, GDPR, VPAT and HECVAT compliance.

With the help of Artificial Intelligence based machine learning, Verbit is able to provide these cost-efficient captions and transcripts quickly, while also utilizing certified human professional editors to check the technology for high accuracy. Watch how the interactive app works in real-time here.

To learn more about Live Room by Verbit, click here.

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