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General Transcription for Every Industry

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Research shows that engagement is one of the most effective predictors of productivity. In fact, studies suggest that boosting workplace engagement can increase profits by as much as 21%. Improvements to productivity can look a bit different from industry to industry. Also, different employees require different kinds of support to streamline their workflows.  

Transcription is one of the most popular assistive technologies in the workplace because of its versatility and easy implementation. Transcribing information for employees and customers can help improve the quality of workplace communications and even help professionals develop more effective record-keeping practices. Let’s look at some of the different use cases for transcription in the workplace and explore ways that transcription technology boosts productivity.  

What is General Transcription? 

Different industries might use transcription technology in different ways. However, the basic function of transcription is consistent in every context. General transcription refers to this fundamental process of converting audio into written text without any industry-specific adjustments. In many cases, the files are from videos or audio recordings. Other times, people will produce transcripts of live communications. 

There are two basic transcription types: Verbatim and non-verbatim. Verbatim transcripts, as the name would suggest, present a word-for-word record in a readable format. Non-verbatim transcripts, on the other hand, undergo heavy editing to highlight the main points and ideas.  

Each style of transcription has its place depending on the needs of the intended audience. Non-verbatim transcripts are helpful as reference tools or summaries due to their condensed nature. Verbatim transcripts may serve as a way to support audience members with disabilities. Organizations implementing transcription as an accessibility tool will want to use verbatim transcripts to ensure equitable messaging for those who need this form of communication. 

Are There Other Kinds of Transcription? 

General transcription is appropriate for many industries and projects. Still, a few specific industries require a specialized approach to transcription. Here are a few examples of industry-specific transcription:  

Transcriptionists in these fields must receive adequate industry-specific training. Each type of transcription requires a high-level understanding of the transcription process and familiarity with niche terminology. As a result, it’s often necessary to alter the general transcription process to meet the needs of specific industries. 

General Transcription vs. Medical Transcription 

In most cases, general transcription won’t necessarily impact a person’s health and well-being or require additional levels of data security. When it comes to transcribing information in the medical field, however, transcribers must capture complex information accurately while keeping it secure. Medical transcription often focuses on a combination of both qualitative and quantitative data. In many cases, it will be important to synthesize all this information to arrive at a unique conclusion. 

Historically, many medical professionals relied on Dictaphones or other audio recording devices to take verbal notes they can reference later. Medical transcripts can take these recordings and convert them into written records of a patient’s care. The sensitive nature of these transcripts means they must be easy to understand and free from substantial errors. Medical transcriptionists will require additional training to familiarize themselves with industry-specific terminology such as medication names, certain medical conditions and dosage information.  

What is the Difference Between a Legal and General Transcriber? 

Legal transcriptionists must build upon their general transcription skillset to tailor their services to the legal field. While some fields can get by with non-verbatim transcripts alone, the legal industry requires highly accurate verbatim transcription. That information that comes to light during legal proceedings becomes part of the court’s record for continued reference and review.  

Verbatim transcription is highly specific and designed to capture even subtle nuances in tone, inflection, and intent. This level of detail is critical for records of law enforcement interviews, depositions, and witness testimonies. In these circumstances, how someone says something can be as important as what they say.  In most cases, non-verbatim transcripts would not sufficiently represent these nuances or provide a comprehensive representation of an interview or other conversation.  

As with medical transcribers, those in the legal industry must have a solid grasp of common legal terminology. Knowledge of this technical language will allow them to accurately transcribe legal discussions. Topics may include references to established case law, penal codes, and more. While a general transcriptionist may be able to capture the majority of the information from a legal discussion, they may not accurately record unfamiliar terminology.  

How do transcribers produce transcripts? 

Regardless of the industry, the fastest way for any professional to obtain a written transcript of communications or content is to partner with a transcription service like Verbit. Verbit offers solutions that support professionals across a diverse range of industries. Whether you’re looking to expand your reach, improve accessibility or boost productivity, Verbit’s transcribers can provide top-tier support and industry-leading accuracy rates for projects of all shapes and sizes.  

Verbit uses a dual approach that combines proprietary AI software with a team of professional human transcribers to deliver accurate final transcripts. Verbit’s software integrates seamlessly with popular media hosting platforms and virtual communication sites to transcription of both pre-recorded and live content.  

Verbit also offers additional assistive technologies like captioning and audio description to support a wide range of media projects and accessibility initiatives. Proactively offering these technology solutions is a great way to support employees and audience members while helping to streamline day-to-day workflows across the board. If you’re interested in learning more about partnering with Verbit to help you scale up your transcription efforts and improve community engagement, reach out

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