The next phase of the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) expanded audio description rules will take effect next month as 10 more designated market areas will be required to provide audio description.
The FCC’s audio description rules currently require certain broadcast stations in the top 100 designated market areas (DMAs) in the United States to provide described programming. A DMA is a region of the US that is used to define television and radio markets. There are 210 DMAs, which typically are based on metropolitan areas.
In 2020, the FCC adopted a rule requiring the phased expansion of audio description regulations to DMAs 61 through 100. Last year, the FCC voted to expand that plan to require audio description in an additional 10 DMAs each year until all broadcast markets are covered.
The newest 10 television markets subject to expansion of the audio description rules beginning Jan. 1, 2025, are Tri-Cities (TN-VA); Reno, NV; Greenville, NC-New Bern, NC-Washington, NC; Davenport, IA-Rock Island, IL-Moline, IL; Tallahassee, FL-Thomasville, GA; Lincoln, NE-Hastings, NE-Kearney, NE; Evansville, IN; Ft. Wayne, IN; Johnstown, PA-Altoona, PA-State College, PA; and Augusta, GA-Aiken, GA.
What is audio description?
Audio description makes video programming more accessible to individuals who are blind or visually impaired through the insertion of audio narrated descriptions of a television program’s key visual elements into natural pauses between the program’s dialogue.
On television networks, audio description is accessed by navigating to the Secondary Audio Program (SAP) channel, usually in the accessibility settings of a set-top box. On streaming platforms, audio description can be chosen as a separate audio language.
In the US, the FCC requires certain television broadcast stations and multichannel video programming distributors to provide audio description for a portion of the video programming they televise. The rules require commercial television broadcast stations that are affiliated with one of the top four commercial television broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, Fox and NBC) and currently located in the top 100 television markets to provide 50 hours of audio-described programming per calendar quarter during prime time or on children’s programming as well as an additional 37.5 hours of described programming per calendar quarter at any time between 6 AM and midnight.
The FCC also requires the same of the top five cable networks (currently HGTV, Hallmark, TLC, TNT and TBS) that broadcast a significant amount of prerecorded content.
Work with a Leader
Verbit partners with a wide variety of media and entertainment clients and work closely with them to help achieve their accessibility goals. Our customers rely on us to:
- Meet the standards set by the Audio Description Coalition as well as the standards for educational description set by the American Foundation for the Blind/Described and Captioned Media Program.
- Employ AI and voice talent by program content and uniform, top-quality narration using the same voice for consistency throughout a series.
- Match voices to various programming genres.
- Work with the best, experienced, professional audio engineers.
- Meet the fastest turnaround schedules in the industry.
- Deliver and receive content in virtually any audio/video format.
Interested in learning more? Connect with one of our accessibility experts today.