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Upcoming Webinar: Step-By-Step Guide to Remote Digital Depositions

Initially, the idea of transforming the way legal processes have always been conducted was met with hesitation and many questions. Yet the need for remote digital depositions has grown exponentially in recent weeks due to the COVID-19 crisis.

As a follow up to Verbit’s recent webinar, which explored the current need to conduct legal proceedings digitally and remotely, we’ll conduct another session on Monday, April 6th. This next session will showcase how to execute a remote digital deposition step-by-step. This webinar is designed to assuage those who are new to the process.

Digital court reporting expert Lisa Dees, Program Manager of JAVS, will serve as the guest speaker for this upcoming webinar, Best Practices for Remote Digital Depositions. Dees is on a mission to demonstrate the value of bringing digital court reporting into present workflows. She focuses on the Notewise product line at JAVS.

Dees began her career as a stenographic court reporter more than 20 years ago. Dees served as a digital court reporter for the 9th Judicial Circuit Court in Florida until 2006. She later became the court’s support specialist and focused on the design and implementation of new reporting technologies.

Dees also spent seven years working in product development for Veri-Core, where she designed and created digital court reporting software. She spent six years in the freelance world of court reporting, working in the field as a reporter, trainer, contract manager and in business development. Until last year, Dees worked for eScribers as their Reporting Business Development Specialist.

In addition to breaking down the entire remote digital deposition process, Dees will provide webinar viewers with best practices and take questions live. Attendees can expect to leave this webinar armed with the knowledge and confidence to begin holding legal proceedings digitally and remotely.

The event will be moderated by Anthony Sirna, a legal strategist who serves as the Customer Success Manager at Verbit. Sirna has over 20 years of experience in legal and the implementation of technology. He currently oversees the legal vertical at Verbit and previously worked as the Director of Customer Success for Workshare, a legal tech company supporting AMLAW 100 clients.

Webinar viewers will gain critical knowledge, including:

You are welcome to RSVP here to join the event.

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